Patch 1.31 warcraft 3
Patch 1.31 warcraft 3

patch 1.31 warcraft 3

  • Removed: "Gfx Fullscreen" (Replacement: the window mode is now stored in the preferences).
  • Remvoed: -opengl (Replacement: -graphicsapi OpenGL ).
  • Removed: -d3d (Replacement: -graphicsapi Direct3D9 ).
  • Removed: -swtnl (Replacement: nothing, Warcraft uses hardware texture and lighting).
  • Removed: -window (Replacement: -windowmode windowed).
  • Removed: -fullscreen (Replacement: -windowmode windowedfullscreen).
  • Removed: -nativefullscr (Replacement: -windowmode fullscreen).
  • The ‘/' command line argument flag is no longer supported (use ‘-' instead).
  • patch 1.31 warcraft 3

  • Lua errors report the wrong line number.
  • Mac clients are not able to take screenshots.
  • Runed Bracer's tooltip now accurately describes that it reduces spell damage, not magic damage.
  • Disease Cloud will now stack properly when using custom buff data.
  • Movement speed and attack speed data labels are no longer reversed for Envenomed Spear in the editor.
  • Combat and death sounds are no longer played globally for observers.
  • Switching window focus with Open Broadcaster Software running no longer causes freezes.
  • Commands issued while a unit is affected by Possession no longer trigger after control is restored.
  • Sound data no longer transferred between maps.
  • Maps no longer download again with each patch.
  • Builders_and_Fighters_CFVers_1.08 no longer causes desyncs.
  • DBZ Tribute Elite 2.5.1g no longer causes desyncs.
  • patch 1.31 warcraft 3

    Custom movies play correctly (Thank you, Gustafsson).256 bones are available (Thank you, Retera).Triggers won't be lost during saves (Thank you, Bribe).A major benefit to this change is players who owned Reign of Chaos only now have The Frozen Throne. Custom maps created with RoC data are still playable, this affects melee only. Join the fray over in Balance Updates for multiplayer and map pool changesĭev Comment: We've been encountering non-trivial issues connecting players over as we unify the game client - a prime example being disconnects caused by erroneous matches between Chaos and Throne.See World Editor Updates for more details on many additions and improvements including beta support for Lua.Expanded supported window modes within Options.Sounds are disabled when the client is not active.Added 64 bit support for Windows and Mac.Integrated Direct3D 11 and Metal graphic APIs.The patch was deployed on the Public Test Realm on April 24, 2019. Warcraft III patch 1.31.0 is the last major patch for Warcraft III: Classic, prior to Warcraft III: Reforged.

    Patch 1.31 warcraft 3